Yaar ek limit hoti ek he funda repeat kar kar ke abe khabhi to bhibhuti ki bhi band bajai ke bas tiwari ko pitwane mai he sukh milya hai lagta puri script mai vibhuti namak gadha he hero hai baki sab faltu hai sirf pitne ke kaam aate hai bakwas boring script instead of laugh feel headache kasam se jab ye band show band hoga meethai batunga saala dimag ka dahi karne wali story aur faltu actor with over acting kabhi to logic or practical socho ya bilkul he pagalib ka show hai sari team he pagal aur manshik roop se bikrut hai. Its totally prove that script writers are totally metally disturb need any Physctrist to consult with. Script writer and another characters look like maniac or sexually frustrated look like mentally disturb. Ammaji, Bebhuti, tiwari father in law and Anita bhabi and Angoori also hitting him or creat tension for him. Complete script is writing in focus of Ashif shaik and tiwari is like a common punch pad who ever like can hit him.

Entire script just boring with dual meaning of words and repeat punches, It seems like Ashif shaik is the only hero of this show and other Tiwari is a supporting character. Sad thing is that this show spoiling Kanpur city and it's citizens image.

Cherector less script written by Chrector lass writers I think script writers seen all this in their families like mother have affairs with other men wife affair with others he envolve with other all family cherectorless. Agar Dimag ki maa behan karbani ho to ye show best show hai jo dimag ki dahi kar dega.